Friday 20 January 2012

Pressurising MPs.

Reading about the greasy slitherings over the Clegg's plan to make MPs accountable to the electorate between elections I was struck by an allied thought.
If Libertarians could get their act together there could be organised a campaign to remove arseholes MPs and/or councillors at the next elections.
The subjects would have to be carefully chosen, size of majorities, parliamentary committees engaged on etc and ,of course ,would have to be told that they were being targeted because they had no interest in the rights of anybody apart from their favourite pressure groups.
A low cost leaflet campaign could then be mounted in each constituency giving the MP/Councillor's voting/attendance record, where they stood on civil liberties and freedom etc, and also perhaps giving advice on voting for a non mainstream party.
I would think that very few of the smokers, drinkers and obese among us have any idea where their elected representative stands on these issues. Finding out might well change voting patterns although it would take some organising.

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