Friday 16 November 2012

After five months of a non blogging nature I find myself drawn back to an incomprehensible desire to express my own thoughts to the public in general.
I'll start in a gentle fashion leaving such things as the 'alien' orange dog turds and the reprehensible behaviour of the local tartetry for future posts. I will indeed try to write daily although the weekeds may prove to be difficult in which I'll be a five day blogger!
To sum the day up I've consumed three pork pies ( extra to to my meals of course), mentally smoked two full packets of brightly coloured and manufacturer impressed cigarettes, partly supped through several bottles of reasonably strong ale ( the rest is to follow), and spent a very pleasant time following an old alchemist instruction on re-creating the Pied Piper.
I think that fills all my social obligations for one day.

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