Friday, 9 March 2012

School Playground

Been a little busy this week  as it was time for my monthly pub crawl with an old friend, so the blogging had to take second place to the pleasures of alcohol and fine conversation. Still, the hangover seems to have cleared a little so I can share my thoughts on the strange scenes from the school playground.
Regular readers of this blog will be aware that, for my sins, I have the duty of convoying two of the grand children on their daily visit to that state institution known as school. As their are several schools in the complex, nursery,infant and junior, it makes for an interesting collection of adult accompaniers milling around in the school playgrounds and each adult has its own particular characteristic.
As the weather has been reasonable this last day or two the young mothers have skipped from winter to full summer clothing with,in many cases, a very interesting display of tattooed flesh. Now a decent tattoo is best displayed on an ample area of flesh and the young women of this village have attacked the body increasing capabilities of lager and kebabs with a fervour that should make each one eligible for a medal for increasing the profits of  British Takeaways and cheap lager breweries. As you know dear readers the increase of flesh tends be in the areas the medical profession refer to as the three Ts. Tummy, Thighs,and Tits.
 This morning, the weather being fine, I decided to do a quick count of the various types and numbers of the tittoos tattoos on display and the sum was very interesting. I counted four displayed on right tits and five on the left hand mammary. All the tattoos were of different designs with the most prevalent being variations on a butterfly theme, although there was one that to my untutored eye resembled a vagina shaped poltergeist escaping in flames from a flatulent cows arse. It must be said that the displayed body disfigurements didn't simply rest upon the upper curve but continued downwards to the area where the nipple snugly resides  inside the wearers bra.
I can only conclude that the tattoo 'artist' must on many occasions be privy to sights that only 'partners' and the Saturday night customers of the local pit club have viewed in their entirety. I sincerely take my hat off to their bravery and dedication. ( tattooists not tits)

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