Friday, 30 March 2012

Friday bloody Friday

Well there was nothing unusual on the school excursion today apart from the grand daughter being whisked off on a trip to a local garden centre. I don't know what a bunch of four year olds get out of that unless it's part of a cunning plan to turn them all into green activists in years to come. They're wasting their time with mine whose greatest pleasure in the recent spell of fine weather has been to scour the garden for 'pretty ladybirds' as she puts it and, having found such creatures, crushing them under her dainty little boots.
The Friday morning shop was an extremely light one in the nearest Tesco, a store not usually favoured with our custom as we consider them to be a two faced, lying, back stabbing organisation who are ever nuzzling too close to whatever set of morons currently hold the reins in Westminster. The car needed its weekly influx of petrol so I enjoyed twenty minutes of observing pump rage amongst the panic buying middle classes of the surrounding areas. I just put my usual twenty five quids worth and had fun in berating the acne riddled Tesco car fuelling assistant about his company profiteering by putting the price up by three pence a litre. In retrospect this was very wrong of me as I don't think he knew what profiteering meant.
The cheap offer Boddington's loaded into the car along with a loaf and milk I couldn't help remarking how empty the store was. Serves the bastards right for screening off the cigarette and tobacco display counter. I don't smoke now but I might have some fun soon by asking them to check if they stock different brands of ciggies and pipe tobacco. Should keep the assistant busy opening and closing the shutters and I could then complain to the management that I caught a glimpse of named tobacco product!

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