Some character called Chris Grayling, ( I might have got the name wrong; it could have been Peter Rabbit ) who engorges himself under the title of ' Shadow Home Secretary', has proposed that persons engaged in rowdy, or anti-social behaviour, are punished by the police confiscating their mobile phones or, such other electronic gadgetry that may be dear to their stinking little hearts.
Well, Grayling or Rabbit, I've got news that might surprise you, such actions are called THEFT. It's the same as claiming expenses for something that dosn't exist, if that makes it any clearer to a politician.
WTF is the point of giving our moronic' Woodentops' any more powers than they can comfortably abuse in any one shift cycle? Do they have to take a recreational break from clubbing innocent newspaper vendors to death to confiscate these items, or can it be handled by an increase in police helicopter numbers? ( Sorry my mistake. I forgot that the plods already have more air support than the forces fighting in Afghanistan) Anyway, how are our brave guardians of 'law and order' ( a phrase that is begining to attract the same odour as ' health and safety ) supposed to carry the stolen items. They already have trouble moving under the weight of high viz jackets, anti- stab vests, news vendor battering extendable batons, several pairs of handcuffs ( some furry lined for that ' special arrest' ) personal radios, latex gloves ( again for that special moment ) and, great clodhopping boots. They don't have the energy to move out of their tax payer funded, wheeled and sirened, personal work space until their canteen break is due.
The whole point is that COURTS not the ' pointed heads' issue punishments, usually as and when there is proof that a crime has been committed. There are more than adequate existing laws to cover any breach of the peace, so leave the plod service to make the arrest and put the miscreant up in front of the magistrates as quickly as possible. It may seem a strange system but it has worked fairly well for several hundreds of years, so, WHY TRY AND CHANGE IT YOU POLITICAL SHITHEAD.
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