Monday, 30 January 2012

Gays, Plods, Victims

I see a new proposal is seeking to both increase the fines paid by offending motorists and also increase the amount the convicted felon driver has to pay to the 'victim surcharge fund.' Ken ( I love the E.U.) Clarke is in favour of charging all offenders an increased surcharge on their conviction.
I don't suppose it's occurred to the fat twat that if the fine levied for the offence was given to the victims whatsit then there would be no need for any surcharge.
Of course not. He's a a politician well versed in the arts of stealing money from the electorate.

The Plod have been attracting my attention lately with their aggressive eagerness to shove the prognoses in the world of professional football. The issue is, of course, racialism which seems to be a supposed crime at which the amount of money wasted is proportional to the number of stupid complaints made. The opportunities for 'fans' to make mischief in this way may well cause a few Chief Wankers Constables to wish they hadn't leapt on to the equality bandwagon so readily.

A further annoyance is that coming from the 'gay' section of society who now want equal rights in marriages. It's not on lads and lasses. I don't care if you want to go and turd burgle the entire Arabian Peninsular but marriage IS a religious institution for man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman. By all means have the same rights as married couples but do not , under any circumstances, claim that your union is that of marriage. You've stolen enough words for your own use already as pouf, queer, shirt lifter or lezzie, didn't seem to suit your sense of propriety. So for your partnerships invent a word or words of your own and please remember that I once had an excellent local pub called The Gay Lancer. It is one of the few pubs not closed by the smoking ban.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

A pensioner in Yorkshire has been given a ten year ASBO for making insulting remarks about local businessmen, clergymen and a councillor on his blog  entitled ' Wolds Eye.'
Reading the article in the Daily Tail doesn't give you much detail on what he wrote but the way in which the matter has been dealt with should concern all bloggers as it smacks of censorship by the powers that be.
If the man made false claims about the people named in the article then there are existing laws regarding libel and slander that could have been utilised by the individuals concerned to silence and refute any untruths made about them. However, they, in the way of today, chose to make complaints of harrassment of to the local plod that ended up with him appearing at Hull magistrates court last week.
The article states that his blog was taken down by the authorities last year but does not mention what 'authorities' or their right to 'take down' a private blog.District Judge Frederick Rutherford rejected the defence by stating ' It's a nonsense to to hide such appalling actions behind human rights. This is clearly anti - social behaviour.'
They obviously want to hang a criminal offence on bloggers as it's much easier to control the people that way. I wonder if he had his DNA recorded?

Friday, 20 January 2012

Pressurising MPs.

Reading about the greasy slitherings over the Clegg's plan to make MPs accountable to the electorate between elections I was struck by an allied thought.
If Libertarians could get their act together there could be organised a campaign to remove arseholes MPs and/or councillors at the next elections.
The subjects would have to be carefully chosen, size of majorities, parliamentary committees engaged on etc and ,of course ,would have to be told that they were being targeted because they had no interest in the rights of anybody apart from their favourite pressure groups.
A low cost leaflet campaign could then be mounted in each constituency giving the MP/Councillor's voting/attendance record, where they stood on civil liberties and freedom etc, and also perhaps giving advice on voting for a non mainstream party.
I would think that very few of the smokers, drinkers and obese among us have any idea where their elected representative stands on these issues. Finding out might well change voting patterns although it would take some organising.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Schools & Things

Picking the granddaughter up from school today I was presented with an A4 sized sheet of paper entitled School Newsletter. ( They've only been back two weeks for heavens sake) As said GD was busy chatting to her school friends as we strolled in the direction of the old abode I decided to cast my eye over the doubtless silly but engaging stories in such a newsletter. Newsletter my arse it was a complete bollocking for any parent or guardian who was unwise enough to let their child attend that school.
Page one ( the front sheet) started with a health enforcement article reminding parents that lunch boxes must not contain sweets, bars of chocolate or fizzy drinks as the school is involved in a 'healthy eating programme' . Now the healthy eating is undoubtedly inspired by that sad, lank haired twat Jamie Oliver but surely as the parents choose to give their offspring the sort of food that children like it's surely no business of the surly, black clad Medusa in the headteachers office what choices they offer to their children.
This is swiftly followed by a barely veiled threats about ENSURING that dinner money IS PLACED in an envelope with the child's name and class on and furthermore HANDED to the pupils class teacher in ADVANCE on a Monday morning. Next is a bit of light relief with a REMINDER that KS1 milk money is due again in September. ( It's only January for fks sake)
The sheet is finished with a list of events and an admonition that THESE are Important  dates for your diary so enter them as soon as you get home, you imbecilic parent, you. The reverse side contains dates when the school is closed which through some optical illusion appear to be more frequent than the days when it is open.
I should mention that the newsletter is sub headed Summer Term 2011 although the dates given refer to 2012. Perhaps the LEA is so committed to its belief in Climate Change that all terms are now designated as Summer. Perhaps in a few years they will be called Hot, Hotter, Arid and The End of Life.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Modern Morals

This morning, as on most mornings, I was waiting with my granddaughter for the school door to open when my enjoyment of the early frost and sharp air was destroyed by the actions of a witless oaf of around two years in age.
It is the practise for parents and other adults delivering a child to the school to congregate in the playground a few minutes before the official start time. As the various people pass the time by inconsequential chatter amongst themselves the children, naturally, run around with their friends and generally have a good time. Many of the mothers have children below school age with them and quite obviously bring them along with their older siblings. This particular blight on the civilised world had been freed from his taxpayer funded pushchair and was wandering around the yard, totally unsupervised,  with the normal vacant expression adopted by the natives of this ex-mining village. Reaching a position about a yard behind his vacated conveyance he stopped, looked contemptuously around, hawked, and spat a massive globule of phlegm onto the playground surface. The mother of this object paused from her mobile phone conversation to utter the words,' good un, gerrit of yer chest then', and returned to her phone to tell her co-conversationalist that ' our Jockos just had a good gob in playground'.
The small creature then proceeded to put his right trainer into the phelgm  and having it adhered to the sole, tried speading the leavings of his diseased chest all over the school yard.
I know that spitting in public has become very prevelant of the last twenty years or so. I realise that it was probably started by professional footballers expectorating all over the pitch in some belief that it was healthy for them to do so. I accept that children will only follow the lead of the parents nad that at two years old they are not to blame. But, and I know that it is a big but, just let me loose with an automatic rifle make the council enforce the by-laws and I guarantee that within forty eight hours   a couple of months there will be no more phlegm on the streets, pavements and playgrounds of this village.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Soviet Methods in the Anti Industry

Today I was  considering all sorts of things in a vague sort of way when the words of a famous novelist wandered through my mind.
They have an unarguable belief in the righteousness of their cause and the inevitability of that cause coming to fruition. They will listen to no argument against that cause. They consider all methods lawful that will further that cause. The use of lies and propoganda is necessary and correct to ensure that other people accept the imposition of that cause.
The words are from memory and may not as Eric Morcambe might said ' be nessessarily in the right order'  but are fairly accurate in their meaning. Who was he writing about? It was the attempted Sovietisation of Germany after the war but the words were learned well by the New Righteous to seek to regulate our lives by an increasing amount every day that passes.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The War On Racialism

The great battle against racialism has opened a new front within the motor trade. Volkswagon, that well known German manufacturer of ' Hitler' cars has launched two variants of its new 'up' super mini called ' The White Up' and 'The Black Up.'
 Guess which model is causing offence in the U.K.?
VW bosses in the UK blocked the black version because it could give offence to ethnic minorities. For why pray? Oh, obviously, the term 'black up' could give offence to ethnic minorities who may associate it with white actors and singers blacking up applying dark make-up to perform as minstrels darker complexioned expert players of stringed musical instruments en route to ' De Camptown Races.'
To get round this the VW people in the UK have simply reversed the words and called the vehicle 'The Up Black' which has done nothing to satisfy the ranks of the professionally offended.

There must legions of these useless sperm seepers spending every day of their lives looking for something to complain about. One example. a creature entitled Matthew Collins from an organism called Hope Not Hate  branded the name insensitive. He said that in this country we seem to be dealing with an explosion of racism and these are not the wisest of words to be have been chosen.
What  drooping dicks he and his cohorts are. They,like all true believers, will never realise that the majority of people, both black and white, would never have thought twice about the car name if the campaigners hadn't made it into one of their endless causes.

Friday, 6 January 2012

I still haven't worked out my forthcoming post on racialism so I'll content myself with highlighting the situation in which the Attorney General is reviewing the sentences in the Lawrence case and the claims of the plod about bringing the others to justice.
According to the Mail a member of the public complained, within hours of the sentencing, that the tariffs given to Norris and Dobson were ' too lenient,' a spokesman for the A.G. stated that ' anybody can request that and we will consider it in the normal way'.
So Messrs Norris and Dobson not only will the state ensure that you are tried repeatedly until it gets the 'right' verdict it will also make sure that the sentence can reviewed until an anonymous member of the public gets a result that the said 'person' perceives to be right. Regarding the state of the frenzy regarding the case don't be surprised to see balks of timber being delivered to the prison and the to hear the sound of carpenters hammering and sawing.
The Mail has assisted the cause of justice by naming the Acourt brothers and Jamie Knight as the persons who have dodged justice in the Lawrence case. DCI Driscoll for the MET said that officers would visit Norris and Dobson in prison to see if they would shop the Acourts and Knight would be willing to assist the enquiry in which he was optimistic about progress being made.
Should make for a fair trial if they're ever brought to court.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

No post today ( Thursday) I've been having some weighty thoughts (for me) about the Lawrence trial and racialism and started typing a little late. I should have the post on the blog by tomorrow.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Lawrence Trial

There have been many excellent posts on the Lawrence trial, especially the unease felt by many at the way which events seem have been 'stage managed' by the authorities and their lap dogs in the media.
For those who want a well detailed written opinion of this unease I recommend the following author where the possible failings in societal perception and the flawed justice system are impressively documented. Having said that I must admit that I think the two thugs are probably guilty but if I had sat on that jury I would have been unable to give a guilty verdict on both the evidence thus reported and the pre-trial leaks by police and media that proclaimed guilt before the accused even entered the court.
The media circus that surrounded the verdicts and the  host of righteous bandwagon jumpers leave a very nasty taste in the mouth where the dignity of justice is concerned. We have of course seen this before in cases such as the Bulger killing and the Soham murders, both cases which brought an unwelcome change in both law and society.
Do read the linked article as it covers questions that many of might not think to ask in the face of  today's media outpourings.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Plod Watch

That rather strange entity known as Milton Keynes suffered yet another serious crime incident in the early hours of new years day.
A mini -cab driver rang 99 to report that his taxi had been stolen by a group of passengers travelling the vehicle. Police later found the vehicle and on officer was seriously injured when the driver attempted a getaway. Five people have been arrested and the mini-cab owner has been charged with overloading a vehicle. Plods are appealing for witnesses but haven't stated whether they require them for the theft of the overloading.

Freedom of information requests have revealed that more than 900 serving employed police officers and PCSOs have criminal records that range from burglary to perverting the course of justice.
I suppose that nobody is surprised although I remember a time in near past when having a conviction for dangerous driving could prevent a person from having a licence to serve alcohol. Times are changing too damned fast.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Well now that the holiday period is over it may be relevant to air a few truths about the Christmas period.

1. A Christmas Day combination of sprouts, porks, pigs in blankets, season pudding, white sauce, whisky (single malt of course), ale and wine can cause problems if more than thirty feet away from the loo.

2. The T.V. is shite. ( presumption since I didn't turn it on.)

3. The media have perfected the art of removing religion from a religious festival. ( should please the diversity mob)

4. Continuing with 1. in the evening keeps you even closer to the loo the following morning.

5. Sprouts, cold pork and trifle are an amazing if little known cure for a hangover. ( also a reasonable and filling breakfast)

6. There isno time of the year in which politicians can keep their disgusting mouths shut.