Monday, 25 April 2011

Telegraph Crap Beats Proper Reporting Every Time

A few un/interesting comments by those who guide us;
The Foreign Office has stated that about one million people will travel abroad for stag/hen parties this year, of which almost 170,000 will not have travel insurance. A spokesperson added that sun and alcohol don't always mix. This is incredible. How can they know such things?
Louise Bagshaft Bagshawe, described as a prominent Tory M.P., has been decrying the use of gagging orders by rich people, ' the girls ( invoved) equally have a right to their own lives and stories in my opinion, and they are being gagged by rich men who have the power to afford very good lawyers'. Actually Louise my dear the girls can also afford very good lawyers from the money they've been paid for their stories from the gutter class newspapers. ( Less Max Clifford's 10% of course.)
The fascist twats government is planning a law that will make all puppies born in Britain be microchipped at a cost of £35.00 to the owner. This is an attempt to control the ownership of so called 'dangerous breed' dogs. Campaigners have said that such a move will penalise respectable middle class owners rather than the yobs with dangerous dogs who will most likely ignore such a requirement. Obviously all persons not of the middle classes only possess Pit Bulls, foaming Staffies, and deranged Dobermans that, when not crapping all over the streets, are engaged in such light hearted activities as child savaging and sheep murder. Total ARSEHOLES the lot of them, campaigners and government.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Safe Career In Somaliland

According to The Mail the Captain of H.M.S. Cornwall, Commander David Wilkinson, made the these comments after releasing seventeen Somali pirates his crew had arrested.
He first said that he was not convinced that bringing them back to the UK would have been a deterrent. ( Bang right mate, the bastards would have been on benefits and claiming asylum before you could have said Nelson's Blood. However if you care to check up on some Royal Navy history you might find that the navy used to hang pirates a few minutes after capturing them. This system apparently acted as some sort of deterrent.)
The gallant Commander then added the information that he was unconvinced that they had enough evidence to convict the pirates even though they were heavily armed, were holding hostages and had confessed!
I think I'll bugger off to Somaliland and hire meself a fishing boat and minimum wage crew. I foresee a lot of risk free profit to be made. ( The Commander obviously can look forward to a second career as a chief constable or member of the judiciary. )

Friday, 1 April 2011

General Thoughts

I've stopped buying The Telegraph as the standard of reporting was fast approaching that of a broadsheet 'Sun' so have being trying out various other publications to find one that suits. Top of the Pops is The Yorkshire Post a well informed regional newspaper that amazingly still reports the news. The letters page is always interesting with ordinary people and not self important public purse suckers able to air their views.
One, undoubtedly, nice lady today wrote about her concern for the police involved with the thugs in the recent demonstrations in London. Unfortunately she didn't explain how she knew who were the police and who were the thugs.
A chap by the name of Paul Whalley has been convicted of a race hate crime in good old Liverpool. ( once the home port of many slave ships and a joint constantly telling us how proud it is of it's heritage.)
Apparently the said Whalley objected to two women parking on double yellow lines outside his children's school. During the following altercation Whalley admitted saying ' you don't do that in this country.' However a grandmother in the vehicle said much worse was uttered, culminating in the devasting remark' can't you blacks read?' In  a further incident at a parent's evening Whalley was alleged to have made a reference to a banana boat.
He was of course convicted and awaits sentencing. I bet the local scuffers and CPS felt they had really done their duty on that one.