Monday, 10 January 2011

An inconvenient heart attack put paid to a lot of blogging last year but, fit (ish) again I thought that instead of swearing at the newspaper I'd be better off writing a few things down.
So let's start with the offalings, sorry, offerings from today's Daily Teleliar.
Page 8 reports that Dogbos' are to be introduced by the spring of this year. This will enable local authorities to take action against dogs on the grounds of the individual pooch's behavioural problems. Owners could be forced to take their dogs to training classes, keep them on leads, or muzzle them when outdoors. Also there are proposals to have all dogs microchipped to make it easier to identify the owner.
Well there it is. First they came for the smokers; then they came for the drinkers; then the overweight. Now they come for the dogs. Perhaps an armed uprising of Yorkshire Terriers and Border Collies may be in order to make these disgusting politicians and their allied 'experts' fearfully cringe for their lives in some faeces infested, derelict, and swine flu infected office for the collection of illegally imposed fines.
The proposal about all cars having to be insured is a few days old and I only mention it as another example that this government is no less statist than the last.
Police hunting the killer of the young lady in Bristol are being urged to take DNA samples of men in the Bristol area. A creature named as Kerry McCarthy, currently robbing the public purse by being the elected Labour MP for Bristol East, and Canon Alan Finchley of Clifton Catholic Cathedral. are publicly supporting mass DNA testing of Brisol's male population over the age of sixteen. Do these farts ever think before opening their mouths? Surely any DNA testing would have to be voluntary or did Cyclops Brown pass a law enabling the plods to DNA test anybody at random ? Who in their right mind would submit to such a test knowing full well that the 'stapo will never destroy the collected DNA samples.? And what makes them so sure that the crime was committed by a person who actually lives in Bristol, or do they insuggest that the entire UK male population is tested. Statist arseholes the pair of them.